Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sexy books.

Today while in Grammar class, which is sometimes very stimulating and at other times not, I was thinking back to a book by James Kirkwood I read a few years ago, Good Times, Bad Times.

It has a Catcher in the Rye type feel, combined with soft homoeroticisim after the injured main character is semi-molested by his headmaster. No, it's actually very funny. (See also, P.S. Your Cat is Dead.)

Anyway, the main character and his best friend frequently refer to having sex as conjugating the verb. I have since always wanted to slip this into conversation, but haven't found an appropriate audience/situation. Try it out sometime.

Judging from the Amazon site, the former is not readily available-- and I think my copy might be a first edition paperback straight out of the 60s. Either way, I highly recommend both Kirkwood novels.

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